
Monday, February 19, 2007

Benjamin gets... A doll!

Whew. Typing that was hard enough, imagine the trauma of actually buying the darn thing! Okay, so here's what happened: Ben was in the toy store, and saw this doll (with bottle) in a box. And the whole thing was about 2/3rds his size. So he picks it up and starts carrying it around the store. And when we told him it was time to put it back, he told us: "My baby." Well, given the tenacity to carry the thing around, (and the $12 price tag), we figured that it would be best to acquiesce. So Ben got his baby.

Of course, given his fascination with the baby in his mom's stomach, it makes perfect sense. (That, and one of his friends just got a new sister). He can feed it, and make it suck its' thumb, and it "cries" when it wants milk. It's a good thing! Really! My son SHOULD have a doll!

Does anyone think it would be too much to print up flyers with the "mom's having a baby" story, that I could pass out when Ben's carrying that thing around??