
Saturday, December 22, 2007


Okay, so before we went on the trip, we told Benjamin that we were going to Africa... So once we get on the boat, he can't stop talking about the fact that we're going to Africa to see the African animals..! Needless to say, both Alison and I were terrified to arrive in Tunisia knowing that it wasn't quite the safari adventure Ben was expecting. Lucky for us, when we got off the boat, we found a pair of rather large, noisy camels! And for a few bucks, Benjamin got to sit on one. (Next time you see him, ask him what the camel "said". He does a mean impression of a camel now!) Thank god for a few enterprising Tunisians, saving the day with their "African" animals... Now if we could only get him to stop throwing Phoebe all over that stinky camel, we'll be all set!