
Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Ben, Cat. Cat, Ben.

It was bound to happen eventually... Ben finally talked the cat into sitting still long enough to say hello. Strangely enough, Zoo seemed very happy for the attention. (Ironic, since it was the little monster who's been siphoning off her love since the moment he arrived!).

All was going swimmingly, and it looked like the beginning of a long and happy friendship... Until Ben sat on her. Twice.

It's about time...

Benjamin and his mom. He seems to like her. What more can I say?

Grandma Eva comes to LA!

Here are a few pictures of when Grandma Eva took Ben to the beach... Ben looking stylish in his hat... Burying Grandma's feet in the sand... Oh, and waiting for Grandma Eva to pick him up before the wave swept him away. She made it. Barely.

Pasta, anyone?

Our favorite eater impressed his audience by making a mess with a small plate of pasta, only to amaze the crowd further by, (gasp!), wiping his own mouth! (Okay, he missed a few spots. Sue him).