
Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The Train Park...

Ben went to a train park and rode a real train... He also went on the big-kids' swing, and went down every slide head-first. Yes, it's true, I was administered CPR each time he went down.

Candycane, anyone?

To quote Ben: Yummy!

Presents: Round Two!

Ben on Christmas Eve and Christmas day. He really seems to enjoy getting presents. Go figure.

Go Bears!

Thanks to his great-uncle Steve, Ben is ready to root on his favorite Base-ball team! (Did I mention that, to Ben, every sport is baseball?) He also is just looking cute for the camera.

Presents: Round One!

And the best gift Ben got this Holiday season??? That's right, a jar of fake pickles. Seriously. He loves 'em.

Ben's Salon

Always nice when you can get your nails done in your jammies.