
Saturday, March 15, 2008

Who's Cool and Has Two Thumbs...

This guy!

You say it's his birthday... Again?!

Here he is, the birthday boy...! Turning the big 3, Ben had a good time with all of his friends. He got a few gifts, like a goldfish, which he surprisingly named "Goldie". Don't know where he heard that goldfish name before... He also got a little T-ball set, and it turns out he's actually good at hitting. Given the fact that it's somewhat violent, and somewhat dangerous, I guess I should be surprised.

More Pictures of a Cutie-Pie

Just a few pictures of Phoebe getting dressed... She's clearly learned what to do when the camera turns to her... Look cute! We're lucky -- we make photogenic kids.


Just a cute picture of Phoebe... Peeking over the couch.

Inkpad, anyone?

Okay, so we're about 5 minutes from leaving for the airport, when Ben comes out... Like this. He apparently found a pair of inkpads, and proceeded to smash them all over his face. Makes sense, right? Almost as much sense at the Great Naked Incident of 2008. It turns out that Benjamin got a laugh on the playground last week by taking off his shirt. So a few minutes later, when the teacher took all the kids back into the classroom after outside playtime, they found Benjamin in the middle of the classroom, completely naked. And he's running around and laughing the entire time. Takes after his grandfather, I guess.

Party time!

Here are Ben and Phoebe looking good for their first big party of the season... Phoebe's dress was quite the hit with all of the moms, and we found Ben at the end of the night up on stage with the DJ and all of the kids. Needless to say, he had a great time.

Under the Weather

Not that anyone could tell. This is Benjamin with a slight fever and an ear infection. Moments later he was laying on the couch while I fed him soup. One could tell by the moaning that he was definitely related to his dad...

A bouncing baby... Girl

Just a cute picture of Phoebe going for a little bounce... She likes to jump around, but likes it even more if Benjamin jumps next to her...