Monday, May 05, 2008
Ben Rides a Bike!
Here's Ben on his new bike. He got it for his birthday. The first time Ben got on the thing, he could barely move. But the second time? He took off like a rocket ship! He kept racing around the park, going faster and faster, telling me he was like a race car. Needless to say, in chasing him, I lost 5 pounds of fat and 10 gallons of sweat.
Things Phoebe Can Put in Her Mouth that Won't Kill Her
It's true! We're not trying to poison our daughter! Although given some of her expressions after tasting real food in the past, you would think that everything she ate was tainted... But now that we've had a breakthrough, Phoebe is actually eating and drinking! Real food! Amazing! (PS: The green block wasn't on the menu, Phoebe just had a hankerin'...)